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Environmental Social and Governance

Program Overview

The LSWA ESG Program has three work streams that it must deliver as part of its Corporate Responsibility. LSWA has expanded elements of these and made targets within each more ambitious to embed and leverage these existing workstreams into its Sustainability Performance Targets (SPT’s).Together the workstreams, SPT, and primary reporting framework and standards feed each other supporting our commitments in our ESG ecosystem.

Our Commitments (Targets) 2022-2040*

*Reviewed annually

Our Progress (Achievements and status) 23/24

Disability Internship


Renewable energy procurement – 100% of LSWA office electricity from renewable energy sources


2023 GRESB Submission Rating of 5 stars 


Board Approved Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas emissions decarbonisation plan 


LSWA office lighting update to LED lights in FY23


On track

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