Complaints Handling Policy
1. Overview
Land Services WA is committed to conducting business with integrity in accordance with the highest ethical
and moral standards and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and its obligations to the State of Western Australia (State).
In dealing with customers and other members of the public, Land Services WA personnel will do so in a courteous, professional manner that is consistent with best industry practice. We endeavour to provide products and perform services to the level you have come to expect from Land Services WA. However, we understand that sometimes our products or performance may not meet your expectations, or you have helpful advice.
We have established a process to assist you to give feedback and resolve any issues.
2. How a complaint or feedback can be made
If you have feedback or are dissatisfied with Land Services WA’s products, services or the complaints handling process itself, you should in the first instance consider speaking directly with the staff member you have been dealing with. If you are uncomfortable with this or consider the relevant staff member is unable to address your concerns, you can lodge feedback or a complaint with us in one of the following ways:
• by telephoning us on: 08 6254 7911.
• by writing to us at: Level 1, 3 Craig Street, Burswood WA 6100.
• by emailing us: info@landservices-wa.com.au
• in person by speaking to any of our staff at: Level 1, 3 Craig Street, Burswood WA 6100.
If we receive your feedback or complaint verbally and we consider it appropriate, we may ask you to put your it in writing.
3. Complaint Handling Process
Land Services WA is committed to responding to all complaints in a timely manner and in a clear, simple and streamlined way. Land Services WA will endeavour to respond to all complaints within 5 working days. Where a complaint cannot be resolved within 5 working days, Land Services WA will promptly respond to the complainant and keep the complainant informed of timelines for a response.
4. What information do you have to provide?
You should try to give us as much information as possible. The more information you provide us, the easier it will be to resolve your concerns. Sometimes you may want to make an anonymous complaint. While we understand your reasoning, this may make it difficult for us to resolve the issue to your satisfaction. We will treat your information as confidential in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and our Privacy Policy located at
5. What is the Complaint-Handling Process?
Our primary goal is to resolve your issue during your first contact with us. There may be issues that we need to take time to investigate and respond. If this is the case, we will let you know during your first contact with us. If your complaint is currently being investigated by a relevant federal, state or territory consumer protection or privacy regulator or law enforcement agency we may cease to take further action in relation to your complaint pending finalisation of their investigation. We will assist any agency with their investigations.
6. What if i’m not satisfied?
We consider our complaints-handling process will provide an effective and quick resolution of your issue to you with minimal time and cost. However, we understand that during or after the process you may not be satisfied that with the complaint-handling process. At any stage you may seek independent legal, financial or commercial advice in respect of your issue.
7. Continuous improvement
Land Services WA will regularly review and monitor feedback or complaints received to identify any systemic issues within the business and to determine methods to remedy any underlying issues. We are committed to continuous improvement.